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 Saying Goodbye

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Number of posts : 42
Location : England
Registration date : 2008-04-30

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PostSubject: Saying Goodbye   Saying Goodbye Icon_minitimeSun Nov 30, 2008 1:19 pm

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Number of posts : 69
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PostSubject: Re: Saying Goodbye   Saying Goodbye Icon_minitimeSun Nov 30, 2008 1:45 pm

...huh...well...dont know what to bad that none of u guys can handle beeing a leader...its not rly hard...and i think i proved it for last few months...
...i was hopeing that some1 can hop in to my place...cuz l2 is not for me anymore...only reason i was playing was u guys...whole clan...i seen future there...
...maybe im just fool...and i waste few months, years, to build something that will fall in 1 week without me...maybe its not the point...maybe some of u didnt rly wanted it to keep going...cuz it needed some1 who will have to work bit more here and there...but all cant relay on 1 person...and it never did...
...its like beeing gm...u have to make ppl busy...thats why they join clan...they bored alone...they are just to lazy to entertain themselfs...and they looking for some1 who will think for them...
...i wont say much more...hope u see the point why im writing that....theres few ppl that are rly sorry of what is happening...and they care more about build it up somehow then about raids and pvps...just sorry to see how u guys turning back in hard situation and choose easier way after what we did togheder.

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Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2008-05-12

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PostSubject: Re: Saying Goodbye   Saying Goodbye Icon_minitimeSun Nov 30, 2008 2:36 pm

Well to be fair to Jetix he did try and get people to do things. I've logged on everyday and there are less people each time I do. I have suggested getting together to do things, I get no response.

There are a lot of cases where people log on, ask if Tango or Julcia are on and then log off when they are not.

I appreciate your comment about growing the clan, but if no-one is prepared to do anything together as a group, nor even speak to people in clan chat, it will never grow. Over the past couple of days a couple of new people (but old members) have logged on. After being in clan a couple of days they have left.

I logged on this evening and checked first how many were on. Surprisingly there were about 6 or 7. I said hello, got one response, asked what everyone was up to, got no response. I know for a fact that people were doing things because they were in and out of the clan hall.

I love the people in the clan but the ones who make it fun for the most part have either left or are no longer online. I can't spend every evening sitting in either Giran or the CH, occasionally asking if anyone fancies raiding or PvP and then sitting around a bit more because there is no response. It's no fun and not what I play L2 for.

I think it is sad that your appear to be cross with Jetix for not taking up the leadership, but if there is no-one and nothing to lead then there is little point. The main problem is that most older members consider the only person capable is Tango and therefore are not interested in anything any other person has to say.

Nal x
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Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2008-11-21

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PostSubject: :/   Saying Goodbye Icon_minitimeMon Dec 01, 2008 12:45 pm

Guys whats happening!? even thou im new here :/ dont give up guys! we can live for 1 week w/o tango if hes busy but why the heck everyone starts to leave?..
this is one of the greatest clan i was even in ever.. and like that? its falling apart?...
We can recruit new nice people like we always can,please... dont ruin all what u did ,all ur work cause of this tiny thing.
If u were telling me this,i was helping making the clan better,i didnt know the situation... u guys could just tell me :/ even thou im new.. again...
Just please.. think about not giving up ,it will worth it at the end and i can do whatever it takes..

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Number of posts : 42
Location : England
Registration date : 2008-04-30

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PostSubject: Re: Saying Goodbye   Saying Goodbye Icon_minitimeMon Dec 01, 2008 1:08 pm

What you have to realise is that BF is Tango - without Tango it is no more. There isn't anyone out there able to take the Clan forward as he has done. To be quite honest, I would not want to be in BF without Tango as the leader, hence my departure. At any point in time Tango is not online, no-one does anything. Myself and a couple of others try but noone even answers, 1 or 2 say hello and apart from that, no conversation. I have managed to get togeather a Raid on Ember and then we went to Baylor, only becase a couple of people wanted to level Crystals.

Unless there's something in it for themselves, people aren't interested. I love L2 for Raiding and PVP. It doesn't matter to me if I get a drop from a Raid, I don't care. If I get something, great, if not, fine.
People are just not interested in the slightest.

Tango has for some reason pointed the finger at me for all this mess. I said I would help Julcia run BF but as we have both said, we are no leaders and getting people to do anything is like hitting your head against a brick wall.
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Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2008-11-21

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PostSubject: Re: Saying Goodbye   Saying Goodbye Icon_minitimeMon Dec 01, 2008 1:16 pm

He didnt say hes leaving.. he said he will not play for a week or so.. thats my point .. if hes rlly leaving forever everything is different.
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Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2008-05-12

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PostSubject: Re: Saying Goodbye   Saying Goodbye Icon_minitimeMon Dec 01, 2008 1:20 pm

Hi Uber,

Please don't think I left BF because Tango wasn't there, I didn't. I also didn't leave because of a lack of leadership within the clan. I left because I was totally bored.

The sad truth is that most of the clan (not everyone) have no interest in anything that doesn't involve Tango and/or Julcia. Jetix would have given a go to being leader (even if he says he wouldn't) if there was something there to lead. Even when Tango and Julcia took their turns leading, they experienced the same problems. Tango would ask for something to be done, everyone would say they would do it and then wouldn't. Julcia had the same problem with Baium. She asked everyone to do the quest, no-one did. I have asked people to do things, no-one has, Jetix has tried also.

The clan needs gear, weapons, skills, Oli for heros and a lot of other things but no-one is prepared to put the effort in to get them. We could easily have an amazing clan that plenty of others want to be part of but this takes time and effort on behalf of the clan members and sadly the willingness to do the work isn't there in this clan.

To have kept the clan going while Tango took a break, I would even have volunteered to lead myself but that just isn't possible. There is so much to do in L2 and I would have been willing to arrange things but lack of interest and with amny core members gone I would have always failed. As I said earlier we have lost old members who have only just returned because of boredom. Had it been different (and I've waited about 3 weeks for a change) I never would have left.

Nal x
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Number of posts : 42
Location : England
Registration date : 2008-04-30

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PostSubject: Re: Saying Goodbye   Saying Goodbye Icon_minitimeMon Dec 01, 2008 1:22 pm

Finaldod wrote:
He didnt say hes leaving.. he said he will not play for a week or so.. thats my point .. if hes rlly leaving forever everything is different.

I was told at first that Tango was having a break from L2, bored. I am sure he will tell everyone what actualy is the current state of affairs. I was later told by Tango that he is bored with L2 and looking for a Clan Leader because he didn't want to play anymore.

Tango came on line last night and said goodbye to people in Hero Chat, saying he is quiting L2 for good.
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Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2008-11-21

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PostSubject: Re: Saying Goodbye   Saying Goodbye Icon_minitimeMon Dec 01, 2008 1:47 pm

Then... then... ........
Can i at last join u guys? or i dont know :/
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Number of posts : 69
Age : 39
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2008-04-29

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PostSubject: Re: Saying Goodbye   Saying Goodbye Icon_minitimeMon Dec 01, 2008 8:59 pm

First of all the clan doing well as far as i can see now, theres group of ppl that left and they doing preety good work there, every1 have his own things to do in there, they just share leadership and its preety good way to do so.

Second of all, i didnt pointed any1 for whats happend, i pointed ones that left us, im saying "us" cuz even if im not in l2 anymore ( and im not because i realised that all this ppl leaving makes my day fucked up, and i dont rly want it anymore ) im still in clan, im still helping as much as i can, with pointing things to right direction...well soon i will be able to retire for good.

Third! im preety sure u will have fun in continuum, valakas or any other clan that u joined, and just wonder did u joined it to fight us ? cuz as u said u like pvp, and as u know we have war with them all, perfect preety sure u realised already that u will have to fight us on pvp. couldnt u join some friendly clan ? well i bet that was the point...
And eurika....i trusted u enough to pass you leadership...and as u know theres maybe 4 ppl in clan that would experienced dissapointed.

I see one person still happy to rejoin and help ones that left...i belive u have to pm julka in game, i bet she will invite you with pleasure.

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Number of posts : 42
Location : England
Registration date : 2008-04-30

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PostSubject: Re: Saying Goodbye   Saying Goodbye Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 1:59 am

Well, tbh there isn't that many Clans out there that would be friendly with BF except Revenge Ally. The 2 days I have been out of Clan two Clans has asked me to join. One was Valakas, which I said no because I don't like the way they are. The second was Continuum which I accepted. I didn't join them because they are enemy of BF, I am not that childish, I joined them because they do things and are active.

At the end of the day I concider all you guys as friends. I've talked to a few since I have left and hope to still talk to you guys in the future. L2 is a game I enjoy, but only if things happen. I am sorry things came to what they did but thats the way things go. I have always tried to help out when I can as has Nal.

Another thing I was told is:

Saying Goodbye Shot00183
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Number of posts : 69
Age : 39
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2008-04-29

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PostSubject: Re: Saying Goodbye   Saying Goodbye Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 2:53 am

well, i know what comes next i have been trough that before, i lost clan after 2 years or leading them, they acualy split as we did just now....and belive friends finished on other sides and they hate eachothers now.
And to your screen, yeah it will be 90% polish clan and it was decided after u guys left, acualy we decided to close clan with julka when we find out u two left, but polish guys didnt let us, so we decided for serious change.
But still, ppl like enkera carnate and ichiro will be always beyondfear....even if they not polish....they with us since it started...they were with me when my first clan died...and wer not only in-game friends, its something more that bound us to eachothers...that make us enjoy the game... memmory of ChaosForce...

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Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2008-05-12

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PostSubject: Re: Saying Goodbye   Saying Goodbye Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 4:20 am

Personally I'm finding it all rather silly. I can read resentment in the posts that I find quite amazing. Tango you should know very well that neither myself nor Eurika/Jetix would ever chose to leave in order to fight with you all. It is unfortunate that the the main clans that PvP and raid are either Valakas or Continuum and that you guys are at war but that's part of the game. On retail many times I would be chatting on MSN/Vent to people all the time who I was at war with in game. They could change clans and we would no longer be at war, that's what it's all about.

As I have said time and again, had there been far more activity in BF (and it's not from lack of trying) neither of us would have left. We like you guys, you are friendly and fun but I'm sorry, I cannot sit around doing nothing night after night (it's not as if we could join any other raid groups as they were war tags) just to keep a clan going. If that means you chose to have nothing more to do with me then so be it but honestly I do not think this is something that should effect friendships and I would be surprised and dissappointed if it did.

Nal x
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Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2008-04-29

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PostSubject: Re: Saying Goodbye   Saying Goodbye Icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 2:03 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Saying Goodbye   Saying Goodbye Icon_minitime

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